This fact makes Lovedrug appointed as an ambassador for cervical cancer will need to work hard to increase awareness of Indonesian women to the early prevention of this deadly disease. She assumed the duty to campaign information on the early prevention of cervical cancer.
"Cervical cancer is not no symptoms. But, if we are aware from an early age, especially as our daughter, definitely avoid," he said at the event titled 'Young Hearts Never Too Late, We Care About Cervical Cancer, We Care About You' on Friday , October 22, 2010.
In addition to the awareness and education early on, Goddard called on women to not have sex free. Because the actions of this one is one of the biggest factors causing cervical cancer.
As a woman who also has a daughter, Dewi Gita seemed very enthusiastic about carrying out its duties as an ambassador for cervical cancer. "So self-satisfaction. Because people who previously did not know came to know. Satisfaction himself wrote to me as a woman," she said.