Indonesia needs a leader who firmly to ongoing infrastructure development.
Indonesia needs a firm and courageous leaders who take risks to infrastructure development (infrastructure) continues to run. For a number of infrastructure projects abandoned because there is no firmness of the leader, and congestion in the capital grew even more severe.
It was mentioned by economists from the University of Atma Jaya, Prasetyantoko respond Economic Barometer, an annual survey conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers in 2010 (PwC) Indonesia. In the survey, a number of corporate chief executive officer (CEO) in Indonesia worried about the condition of infrastructure is almost non-existent repairs.
"Infrastructure is a problem is very complicated and needs to be quickly resolved," he said while talking to VIVAnews Prasetyantoko in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 8, 2010.
Infrastructure development are considered complicated because they can not cared for by a technical ministry, but must involve the various ministries and even local governments.
"Infrastructure, especially roads and ports, can not simply do the Ministry of Transportation, but also should involve the Ministry of Public Works and National Land Agency," he said.
Highway construction plan Semarang-Yogyakarta, for example, can not be realized because the Governor of Central Java and Yogyakarta Governor never agree. "You should like this can be resolved at the center. Surely the leaders who are decisive," said Prasetyantoko.
However, although complex, infrastructure development must keep running. This is so that Indonesia will be more attractive to investors. "The government should not rely on private sector to make their own roads and ports, as happens in the oil industry and coal mines in Kalimantan," he said.
Indonesia PwC conducted a survey to 124 senior executives from various industries shows that 48 percent of respondents said infrastructure improvements should be the main focus of government. Inputs are mainly from the executives in the energy sector, utilities, mining and telecommunications and information technology sectors.
Approximately 97 percent of executives surveyed also admitted to the corporation is concerned about the condition of existing infrastructure will hamper their business growth. They are also pessimistic on the availability of funding infrastructure development in Indonesia.
"Respondents felt that these things are major obstacles that will affect their business growth in the coming 12 months," said Joseph Wibisana, chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia.

It was mentioned by economists from the University of Atma Jaya, Prasetyantoko respond Economic Barometer, an annual survey conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers in 2010 (PwC) Indonesia. In the survey, a number of corporate chief executive officer (CEO) in Indonesia worried about the condition of infrastructure is almost non-existent repairs.
"Infrastructure is a problem is very complicated and needs to be quickly resolved," he said while talking to VIVAnews Prasetyantoko in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 8, 2010.
Infrastructure development are considered complicated because they can not cared for by a technical ministry, but must involve the various ministries and even local governments.
"Infrastructure, especially roads and ports, can not simply do the Ministry of Transportation, but also should involve the Ministry of Public Works and National Land Agency," he said.
Highway construction plan Semarang-Yogyakarta, for example, can not be realized because the Governor of Central Java and Yogyakarta Governor never agree. "You should like this can be resolved at the center. Surely the leaders who are decisive," said Prasetyantoko.
However, although complex, infrastructure development must keep running. This is so that Indonesia will be more attractive to investors. "The government should not rely on private sector to make their own roads and ports, as happens in the oil industry and coal mines in Kalimantan," he said.
Indonesia PwC conducted a survey to 124 senior executives from various industries shows that 48 percent of respondents said infrastructure improvements should be the main focus of government. Inputs are mainly from the executives in the energy sector, utilities, mining and telecommunications and information technology sectors.
Approximately 97 percent of executives surveyed also admitted to the corporation is concerned about the condition of existing infrastructure will hamper their business growth. They are also pessimistic on the availability of funding infrastructure development in Indonesia.
"Respondents felt that these things are major obstacles that will affect their business growth in the coming 12 months," said Joseph Wibisana, chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia.