Operation of the integrated warehouse system can maintain the availability and quality of commodities.
Ministry of Commerce has created a master plan Warehouse Receipt System (SRG) which aims to improve the quality of commodities such as rice, grain, corn, coffee, cocoa, seaweed, and pepper.
"SRG is an integrated warehouse operating system to maintain the availability and quality of commodities," said Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu said in Jakarta on Wednesday, September 8, 2010.
Let's explain, in August 2010, the Ministry of Commerce has made a master plan SRG consists of 12 new warehouses, provision of equipment for 35 existing warehouse, and training procedures for the use of warehouses in three regions, namely Bandung, Makassar, and Surabaya.
"Training (training) as many as 164 participants. Certainly our human resources are also prepared to manage the SRG that has been made," says Mari.
According to Mari, 12 warehouses will be built in Musi Banyuasin, Sumbawa district, Pidie, Bedagai Serdang Regency, Regency Waykanan, Grobogan district, Central Maluku district, Lebak Regency, Purwakarta district, Pinrang, Mamuju, and Palopo.
While on the issuance of Permit Trading (SIUP) Let's promise can be speeded up to three days from the previous 14 days. Even the filing is no fee. "For monitoring, the Ministry has overseen the implementation Permendag implementation in 15 districts and cities," he said.
For the implementation of export and import licensing online through Inatrade, until recently had been serving 40 foreign licenses and 12 permits in the entire country from abroad and 93 licenses 22 licenses in the country. "The target in 2014 all export and import licensing can be done online," he said.

"SRG is an integrated warehouse operating system to maintain the availability and quality of commodities," said Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu said in Jakarta on Wednesday, September 8, 2010.
Let's explain, in August 2010, the Ministry of Commerce has made a master plan SRG consists of 12 new warehouses, provision of equipment for 35 existing warehouse, and training procedures for the use of warehouses in three regions, namely Bandung, Makassar, and Surabaya.
"Training (training) as many as 164 participants. Certainly our human resources are also prepared to manage the SRG that has been made," says Mari.
According to Mari, 12 warehouses will be built in Musi Banyuasin, Sumbawa district, Pidie, Bedagai Serdang Regency, Regency Waykanan, Grobogan district, Central Maluku district, Lebak Regency, Purwakarta district, Pinrang, Mamuju, and Palopo.
While on the issuance of Permit Trading (SIUP) Let's promise can be speeded up to three days from the previous 14 days. Even the filing is no fee. "For monitoring, the Ministry has overseen the implementation Permendag implementation in 15 districts and cities," he said.
For the implementation of export and import licensing online through Inatrade, until recently had been serving 40 foreign licenses and 12 permits in the entire country from abroad and 93 licenses 22 licenses in the country. "The target in 2014 all export and import licensing can be done online," he said.