It's that time of the year again, and you are probably anticipating a big get-together with your friends and family. Whether you are hosting it at your home or going to a friend or relative, you are most likely trying to work out what you could contribute to the festivities.
If you know your way around the kitchen, you may volunteer to bring a cake, pie, or even an entre or two. But if you are one of the countless women who juggle career with having a family, you don't have the luxury of time. After all, the preparation of an elaborate dish can take up most of the day - you'll be too flustered to enjoy yourself when you get to the party.
If you know your way around the kitchen, you may volunteer to bring a cake, pie, or even an entre or two. But if you are one of the countless women who juggle career with having a family, you don't have the luxury of time. After all, the preparation of an elaborate dish can take up most of the day - you'll be too flustered to enjoy yourself when you get to the party.
The ideal solution to your problem is to make some cupcakes for Christmas. Cupcakes are extremely simple. All you need is to find an easy one-bowl recipe for making the batter, pour this into the little paper holders, and then put these into the oven. It's as easy as one-two-three! But that is not the end of the story. When you take your little creations out of the oven, you can put a pretty frosting on the top - maybe with some hundreds and thousands or chocolate chips, and you will have made a delicious contribution to your family's celebration.
The great thing about this is that you can search the web for dozens of cupcake recipes and try them all. You can get your kids to help with the decorating as the process is easy enough even for small children. If you run out of cupcake decorating ideas, this is the perfect route to take. Just lay down all the needed supplies: frosting in different colors, chocolate chips, candy sprinkles, icing in piping bags, candies and preserved fruits for toppings, just about anything edible can be used to decorate your cupcakes. Sit back and just marvel at how little kids can be so good at coming up with cupcake decorating ideas. Watch as smiley faces, patterns, and favorite cartoon characters get made right before your very eyes. Just anticipate the fact that they will eat about half of what they make, so you hav
The great thing about this is that you can search the web for dozens of cupcake recipes and try them all. You can get your kids to help with the decorating as the process is easy enough even for small children. If you run out of cupcake decorating ideas, this is the perfect route to take. Just lay down all the needed supplies: frosting in different colors, chocolate chips, candy sprinkles, icing in piping bags, candies and preserved fruits for toppings, just about anything edible can be used to decorate your cupcakes. Sit back and just marvel at how little kids can be so good at coming up with cupcake decorating ideas. Watch as smiley faces, patterns, and favorite cartoon characters get made right before your very eyes. Just anticipate the fact that they will eat about half of what they make, so you hav
The great thing about this is that you can search the web for dozens of cupcake recipes and try them all. You can get your kids to help with the decorating as the process is easy enough even for small children. If you run out of cupcake decorating ideas, this is the perfect route to take. Just lay down all the needed supplies: frosting in different colors, chocolate chips, candy sprinkles, icing in piping bags, candies and preserved fruits for toppings, just about anything edible can be used to decorate your cupcakes. Sit back and just marvel at how little kids can be so good at coming up with cupcake decorating ideas. Watch as smiley faces, patterns, and favorite cartoon characters get made right before your very eyes. Just anticipate the fact that they will eat about half of what they make, so you have to adjust the quantities accordingly.
In fact, as your children get older, you can find more sophisticated ideas. For example, there are great recipes for a snowman cupcake, or perhaps you could work out how to make a fairy. Another idea is to make enough cakes to spell out the words "Merry Christmas" and then write a letter on the top of each one in chocolate sauce or frosting before arranging them in sequence on the tray. This looks good and will be sure to impress your relatives and guests.
Cupcakes can be made to taste like anything. You can use chocolate, caramel, cinnamon, plain vanilla, mocha, and banana or any fruit. You are only limited by your willingness to think outside the box and experiment.
Making cupcakes for Christmas is a fun activity all in itself. Getting your kids involved will make it even more so. Spend the time anticipating the occasion frantically whipping up some.
About the Author:
In fact, as your children get older, you can find more sophisticated ideas. For example, there are great recipes for a snowman cupcake, or perhaps you could work out how to make a fairy. Another idea is to make enough cakes to spell out the words "Merry Christmas" and then write a letter on the top of each one in chocolate sauce or frosting before arranging them in sequence on the tray. This looks good and will be sure to impress your relatives and guests.
Cupcakes can be made to taste like anything. You can use chocolate, caramel, cinnamon, plain vanilla, mocha, and banana or any fruit. You are only limited by your willingness to think outside the box and experiment.
Making cupcakes for Christmas is a fun activity all in itself. Getting your kids involved will make it even more so. Spend the time anticipating the occasion frantically whipping up some.
About the Author:
Veteran contributing creator Anya loves providing her wealth of inventive helpful hints about home baking. Not to mention her crucial secret is truly her place for obtaining cupcake recipes and choc orange cupcake recipe.