6 Steps to put adsense in the middle of posting

6 Steps to put adsense in the middle of the posting. Hari gini Adsense still under the tittle or in the sidebar? Nah .. he2 kalee era, maybe it's the words that came from Adsense masters who already get thousands of $ from Google. Well, for those who do not want to lose now let's try deh Adsense tricks from David Nainggolan. Curious? . . .

I personally use this trick before, just because of this problem. Finally, this trick is used for PPC Local aja. But not a problem really. Yuk immediately wrote to the way it's done:

Follow these 6 steps to put adsense in the middle of posting the following:

1. Log in to your blogger account

2. Click layout

3. Edit HTML>> check Expand Widget Templates

4. Download your template first just in case!

5. Find this code
(Can use ctrl f aid, and if you use the code read more, look for code that to-2. If you can not then upload the template again've downloaded before then replace the the first, one of the two codes are to be direplace, is different because it depends on the template.)

6. Replace the code in step 4 with the code below.
Do not forget to replace the text in red. (Paste the code already in Parse ads or ads in advance it will not appear!)

< id="'"> < / div >

< style="clear:both; margin:10px 0">

< ! - Your AdSense code here - >

< / Div >

< id =" '">


< / Div >

< type = "text/javascript">
var obj0 = document.getElementById ( "aim1 <> " ) ;
var obj1 = document.getElementById ( "aim2 <> " ) ;
var s = obj1.innerHTML ;
var r = s.search ( / \ x3C! - adsense - \ x3E/igm ) ;
if (r> 0) { s.substr obj0.innerHTML = ( 0, r ); obj1.innerHTML = s.substr ( r 16 ); }
< / Script >

7. Save

Well, now to put adsense lived to write a new post for new posts and then use the code and attach / paste in the middle of posting in a place where my friends wanted ads come out. Then save and please see the results.

Update! Due to the many who can not complain, when in fact can. I got to try this code twice loh on other blogs, the proof can. Possibly, all reader error in the posting. I give this example:

Here's an example later to activate the code:

Suppose this postingannya yes:

The original post>>


Well, then bro want to add adsense in the middle then add code so that the posts will become



Keep after it published the post. New adsense will appear in the middle of posting, if the addition of code in the posting is not done, then adsense will appear under the post title alone.

Done deh ..! Aja so why bother?

! Tips:
>> It could also be replaced with other PPC ad code.

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