This is an officer Lazimkah active? The answer: no.
Jaleswari Pramodhawardani
We Indonesian National Army Soldiers, uphold discipline, submissive and obedient to the leadership and uphold the honor of his attitude and Pvt.
(Sapta Marga Grain fifth TNI)
COLONEL Adjie Suradjie suddenly popular in the mass media. The reason he was doing things that are rarely done by friends of his colleagues, and the taboo on military institutions, namely public opinion writing in one of the print media capital. He criticized government policies and President SBY is considered not efficient in combating corruption.
Publikpun mengelu-elukannya. He was considered a brave soldier and critically, deviate from the existing mainstream. Dukunganpun flock, from some military observers, civilian activists are also among the Parliament. Be the colonel appeared like a true democrat in the mass media. This is an officer Lazimkah active?
The answer: no. Even he had threatened sanctions for disciplinary action. I support the actions of TNI AU institutions in this regard.
Twelve years ago, when the regime shift occurs and security sector reform initiated, then the most important agenda is to build a professional military that is free from practical politics. Even the idea of political opinions do not cite to the socialized military to mass media. Building a professional army became a necessity at that time.
It is directly related to the next consideration, namely from the interest of military defense to an area where the involvement of politics, which is not an area of competence, professionalism will result in a deterioration of both institutional and military soldiers.
If judging from the angle of modern management, principles of specialization and division of tasks is accepted as the conditions necessary to build professionalism, including in the military hierarchy. One institution is a function of running a modern management principles is very widely accepted.
From this perspective, military professionalism necessary for this body can perform its functions appropriately. Thus, to protect and keep the military from the political sphere is needed as an important instrument to achieve the professionalism of the TNI as the agency that runs the main function in the defense field. In addition, to uphold the principle ketersebaran power in a democracy.
But the euphoria of democracy blurs these boundaries. Participation of the spirit of democracy and freedom as interpreted blindly in every public space, ignoring the principle of functional specialization and differentiation of tasks for each institution. Line between the main tasks of civilian and military began mingled in public discourse through the justification of democracy and freedom of expression.
Therefore not surprising that active military members who act contrary to the actual discipline and ethics of the institution where he belongs, because it violates the TNI Law No. 34/2004, the Law on Defence No. 3 / 2002, Sapta Marga TNI, and the Oath Soldiers, instead get the justification and public appreciation excessive. Yet if we look at this later became a bad precedent for other soldiers.
Why is the active Army are prohibited from expressing their opinion in public? How does this provide a place of democracy? We need to cool and put this issue in proportion. We must remember that cultural differences between the military world in such a contrast with the political world.
The military has a culture of relationships built on loyalty (the country) and a command system, which is reflected clearly in the Sapta military clan, a code of honor of every soldier that has characterized the discipline and ethical. This includes holding fast to load about discipline, submissive and obedient to the leadership and attitude and uphold the honor of Pvt. The colonel's actions considered not complying with the honor code.
While the political world has a culture of functional-contractual relationships. Both cultures this relationship can not be easily reconciled. Therefore, interventions one culture into the culture of relations other relations - political or otherwise military to politics to the military - would be bad for one of them.
The involvement of the military institution into the political world could certainly be seriously distorts the workings of the political mechanism because of incompatibility of culture relations between the two. Is a political opinion, including the category of practical politics? Yes, because in it contains ideas, thoughts, ideas about how political practices are made. An abstraction is formulated in terms of factual ideas / ideas.
Disciplinary action colonel to restore the memory of our democratic political system in which requires the democratic control and oversight by the civilian government once the body is given a monopoly to use force legitimately by the state, namely the military and police.
Thus, disciplinary action should be precisely Suradji Adjie Colonel reprimanded among civilian institutions such as government and Parliament, in addition to sanctions that have been given by the internal Air Force. Ketidategasan civil society in addressing this action and also shows the weaknesses of existing democratic control.
Is quite regrettable that the media is not balanced in covering and presenting the news in proportion, resulting in confusion among the public. Whereas at the beginning of the reform of media so eager to socialize the idea of building a professional army military distanced from the political sphere.
Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, Research Center for Society and Culture (PMB) LIPI and The Indonesian Institute.
Jaleswari Pramodhawardani

(Sapta Marga Grain fifth TNI)
COLONEL Adjie Suradjie suddenly popular in the mass media. The reason he was doing things that are rarely done by friends of his colleagues, and the taboo on military institutions, namely public opinion writing in one of the print media capital. He criticized government policies and President SBY is considered not efficient in combating corruption.
Publikpun mengelu-elukannya. He was considered a brave soldier and critically, deviate from the existing mainstream. Dukunganpun flock, from some military observers, civilian activists are also among the Parliament. Be the colonel appeared like a true democrat in the mass media. This is an officer Lazimkah active?
The answer: no. Even he had threatened sanctions for disciplinary action. I support the actions of TNI AU institutions in this regard.
Twelve years ago, when the regime shift occurs and security sector reform initiated, then the most important agenda is to build a professional military that is free from practical politics. Even the idea of political opinions do not cite to the socialized military to mass media. Building a professional army became a necessity at that time.
It is directly related to the next consideration, namely from the interest of military defense to an area where the involvement of politics, which is not an area of competence, professionalism will result in a deterioration of both institutional and military soldiers.
If judging from the angle of modern management, principles of specialization and division of tasks is accepted as the conditions necessary to build professionalism, including in the military hierarchy. One institution is a function of running a modern management principles is very widely accepted.
From this perspective, military professionalism necessary for this body can perform its functions appropriately. Thus, to protect and keep the military from the political sphere is needed as an important instrument to achieve the professionalism of the TNI as the agency that runs the main function in the defense field. In addition, to uphold the principle ketersebaran power in a democracy.
But the euphoria of democracy blurs these boundaries. Participation of the spirit of democracy and freedom as interpreted blindly in every public space, ignoring the principle of functional specialization and differentiation of tasks for each institution. Line between the main tasks of civilian and military began mingled in public discourse through the justification of democracy and freedom of expression.
Therefore not surprising that active military members who act contrary to the actual discipline and ethics of the institution where he belongs, because it violates the TNI Law No. 34/2004, the Law on Defence No. 3 / 2002, Sapta Marga TNI, and the Oath Soldiers, instead get the justification and public appreciation excessive. Yet if we look at this later became a bad precedent for other soldiers.
Why is the active Army are prohibited from expressing their opinion in public? How does this provide a place of democracy? We need to cool and put this issue in proportion. We must remember that cultural differences between the military world in such a contrast with the political world.
The military has a culture of relationships built on loyalty (the country) and a command system, which is reflected clearly in the Sapta military clan, a code of honor of every soldier that has characterized the discipline and ethical. This includes holding fast to load about discipline, submissive and obedient to the leadership and attitude and uphold the honor of Pvt. The colonel's actions considered not complying with the honor code.
While the political world has a culture of functional-contractual relationships. Both cultures this relationship can not be easily reconciled. Therefore, interventions one culture into the culture of relations other relations - political or otherwise military to politics to the military - would be bad for one of them.
The involvement of the military institution into the political world could certainly be seriously distorts the workings of the political mechanism because of incompatibility of culture relations between the two. Is a political opinion, including the category of practical politics? Yes, because in it contains ideas, thoughts, ideas about how political practices are made. An abstraction is formulated in terms of factual ideas / ideas.
Disciplinary action colonel to restore the memory of our democratic political system in which requires the democratic control and oversight by the civilian government once the body is given a monopoly to use force legitimately by the state, namely the military and police.
Thus, disciplinary action should be precisely Suradji Adjie Colonel reprimanded among civilian institutions such as government and Parliament, in addition to sanctions that have been given by the internal Air Force. Ketidategasan civil society in addressing this action and also shows the weaknesses of existing democratic control.
Is quite regrettable that the media is not balanced in covering and presenting the news in proportion, resulting in confusion among the public. Whereas at the beginning of the reform of media so eager to socialize the idea of building a professional army military distanced from the political sphere.
Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, Research Center for Society and Culture (PMB) LIPI and The Indonesian Institute.