Conference call

Conference call (in English: Conference call) is the term used for phone calls that connect three or more phone lines at the same time. Conference Call phone that allows users in different locations to communicate and exchange information. Conference Call can be arranged so that parties may participate when a call from a phone call made or just listen to the conversation and can not come to speak. Conference Call is often called the ATC (Audio Tele-Conference). Conference Call types included in the teleconference.

How It Works

Conference Call is held in the distribution process. In one embodiment, the implementation of the admissions process includes a set of audio signals from the conference call subnodes. Telephone audio signals are then corresponded with the recipient's phone calls so as to produce a set of output audio signals from all the phone calls received audio signal, then transmits the signal to a set of subnodes conference. A node is a node that can improve the conference, the sound quality of each participant's phone is connected by eliminating input from the audio output of audio conference call participants. This can improve the clarity of audio signals and eliminate the source of echo. Public switched telephone networks or dedicated private networks and the central instrument called a bridge used to connect the participants' Conference Call. Microphones and loudspeakers can be used to make a group call.


* Audio Conference

Audio Conference is the exchange of information only through the medium of voice calls that connect three or more phone lines at the same time. Audio Conference has an advantage over web conferencing and video conferencing because of the relatively cheaper cost. Costs that need to be budgeted to conduct audio conference covers only the purchase cost of the phone unit and the cost of long distance conversations conducted by telephone. However, the weakness of audio conferencing is the loss of personal connections in the business when the only sound that could be heard colleagues. Jokes and remarks can be perceived significantly different when the conversation can be done without seeing the speaker's face and expression. Another weakness that is the call quality was decreased when the party from another location added to the phone conversation. When multiple parties are involved in a conversation in one call simultaneously, then the probability that the parties are talking at one time the same becomes greater. Consequently, each other can not communicate ideas effectively.

* Web Conference

Conference calls can now be combined with web conferencing is used as a complement, where presentations or documents can be shared and disseminated through the Internet. This merger allows callers are connected in one call simultaneously can view the contents of the document, the company reports, sales charts, and data presented by one participant web conferencing. The main advantages of web conferencing is the presenter of the documents can provide a detailed explanation about a document, while the other participants of web conferencing can simultaneously view the presentation document. Documents to be sent by electronic mail is then assessed in terms of the analysis by participants and responses can be discussed quickly without waiting for the communication is done through electronic mail or regular phone calls. Web conferencing can be done without cost. Another advantage dalah telephone web conferencing allows participants can type or speak one at the same time without the possibility of not being heard as happened in the audio conference. Only, web conferencing has similar weaknesses with audio conferencing, which is difficult to assess a person's seriousness or humor in the form of a typed comment, nor was there a personality that reflected therein. In addition, constraints on the technology also play a significant role. For those who are not accustomed to using technology, use of web conferencing becomes less efficient.

* Video Conference

Conference calling is now also start exploring the world through podcasting and social networking using the iPod, which became part of the development of new types of interaction patterns. Video streaming or broadcasting of conference calls allows a broader audience to access the call without dialing the phone to the bridge. The advantage of video conference is to offer a visual connection between the conference call participants. When using video conferencing technology, participants can see each other through their respective visual television screens and hear each other through the speaker system. Facial expression is also seen clearly so that the jokes and comments can be understood with true meaning. However, the cost financially to hold a video conference is considered more expensive because the equipment used. If equipment is not high quality, smooth video streaming then be delayed even haltingly.


Conference calling a good quality is often difficult to achieve. The most significant is the technology. Participants may not turn up in a conference call because technology disrupted. In contrast, the technology will not effective if the participants do not usually come into contact with technology. Problem of technology tend to arise due to two things, namely the lack of bandwidth and communication tools that are less qualified.


Conference Call main function to help smooth business communication, ranging from corporate business to business import export Syarifah banking. Business people use conference calls to connect with remote parties, both internally and externally with the company. The most common applications are client meetings, sales presentations, project meetings, training, and communication among employees working in different places. Conference Call can also be social and entertainment functions, such as group call and the party line. In Indonesia, the conference call services provided by various mobile phone operators such as Telkomsel, Indosat, and Excelcomindo.

Cost classification.

In Indonesia, there is no clear classification of the cost required to conduct conference calls, whether audio, web, and video conferencing. Not so with developed countries that have placed the use of conference calls to be essential aspects of fluency, especially in business. These classifications are:

* Premium

This system together with premium call principled in general, ie, conference call participants are charged more. Premium regular conference calls are used by celebrities, sports stars, lawyers or experts in various fields, can also be used for charity fundraising

* Prepay

Conference calling with prepaid system enables industry and individual businesses to get the service by way of online payment and conducting conference calls with the principle of pay according to usage. Characteristic of the prepaid system is the existence of a personal identification number associated with the instruction to hold a conference call which may be posted online by electronic mail immediately after payment. In general, this system can be applied to a home phone, cell phone, or computer, with no record of additional costs to the cost of other telecommunications hardware that is expensive. Certain service allows users to start and join the conference call from any country around the world, of course with adequate telephone access

* Low Rates

Low fare service has now been offered for the conductor who desire a conference call participants have limited access to get into the conference bridge with a fixed monthly cost limit. This cost type is selected by the business industry with big budgets and nonprofit spending

* Free of Charge

Different conference call at no cost to the operation of conference calls that callers generally pay lower rates or cost per minute or combination of both. This system has no implementation costs and allows several people to speak with a normal rate of long-distance connections only. Thus, of course, limited because of the features offered free of charge

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