Research In Motion (RIM), device vendors as well as BlackBerry service providers, announced the official BlackBerry App kiosk applications accommodate World has more than 10,000 applications today.
If compared to the Apple kiosk applications, the App Store, the BlackBerry App World's achievement is still far behind. Just to note, the Apple App Store now has the 250 000 applications.
In fact, if compared to just the Android Market, the BlackBerry App World is still far behind. Yes, it must be admitted, the Android Market's most rapid increase was recorded in the stalls than other applications. Though spelled the "young", but Android has pocketed 100 000 applications to date.
RIM task quite a lot. Not only lost quantity, its quality too, the Canadian vendor, it is necessary to fix many things. Most applications are available on the BlackBerry App World seem stiff and rough. At RIM's upcoming developers conference, this issue is expected to be sought a way out.
BlackBerry App World is a distribution service such as a kiosk application dibesut RIM on April 1, 2009. Specifically for BlackBerry users, App World offers a variety of applications by category, ranging from business, education, productivity, news, shopping, travel, and many others.