If one were to be asked what the national drink of America is I firmly believe that coffee would be in the top three of all answers. Since the turn of the century coffee has become the main drink of Americans and shows no sign of slowing down. With the increasing popularity of coffee the question of the health benefits of coffee have not been adequately addressed in today's media. Consumers would do .. well to educate themselves as to the few but important benefits available so they can know what they are ingesting as well as how it is manifested in their bodies.
If you have been drinking coffee for any length of time you know the number one reason why coffee is so popular - that perky and upbeat feeling you receive minutes after taking their first sip. Most people upon arising early in the morning struggle to achieve a normal sense of awareness and mental acuity. Waking up in the morning is often more difficult on certain days as the body just seems not capable of fully waking up. The simulative effects of caffeine, however, are enough to supplement the body's acceleration to get one up to speed faster. One's physical reaction time and mental acuity are significantly improved. As far as the trek from the bed to the coffee pot, anticipation of the drowsy-free day ahead will be enough once the mind is conditioned.
Haven't we all consumed coffee or other caffeine laced drinks to better study while in school? Or stay up when very sleepy to accomplish some sort of work related task? While this is sheer conjecture it could be that with a constantly activated mind as a result of caffeine ingestion through drinking coffee, Alzheimer's, known as mild cognitive impairment is somehow slowed down.
But are there not other health benefits of coffee we are not aware of? Surely there must be! Something that even your doctor may not be aware of? Here we go... A final, effective application of coffee is it's aiding of digestion and bowel movements. As we get older our colon muscles tend to weaken, thus become more susceptible to cancer. Over the years numerous studies have concluded that constant and prolonged caffeine consumption helps the body with digestion and the prevention of cancer in the colon. What is interesting is that both decaf, as well as regular coffee has been proven to help prevent constipation.
So now we bet you are thinking of going to Starbucks for that new healthy drink called coffee. To bad Starbucks has not incorporated the health benefits of coffee into their advertising campaign! As coffee becomes ever more popular and health benefits of coffee become more available to the public one can't but wonder where this information will take the coffee industry. While I always thought coffee was a non-essential drink requiring an acquired taste, I now view coffee in a whole new light. I think I will go visit my local Starbucks later today and order myself a double espresso!
If you have been drinking coffee for any length of time you know the number one reason why coffee is so popular - that perky and upbeat feeling you receive minutes after taking their first sip. Most people upon arising early in the morning struggle to achieve a normal sense of awareness and mental acuity. Waking up in the morning is often more difficult on certain days as the body just seems not capable of fully waking up. The simulative effects of caffeine, however, are enough to supplement the body's acceleration to get one up to speed faster. One's physical reaction time and mental acuity are significantly improved. As far as the trek from the bed to the coffee pot, anticipation of the drowsy-free day ahead will be enough once the mind is conditioned.
Haven't we all consumed coffee or other caffeine laced drinks to better study while in school? Or stay up when very sleepy to accomplish some sort of work related task? While this is sheer conjecture it could be that with a constantly activated mind as a result of caffeine ingestion through drinking coffee, Alzheimer's, known as mild cognitive impairment is somehow slowed down.
But are there not other health benefits of coffee we are not aware of? Surely there must be! Something that even your doctor may not be aware of? Here we go... A final, effective application of coffee is it's aiding of digestion and bowel movements. As we get older our colon muscles tend to weaken, thus become more susceptible to cancer. Over the years numerous studies have concluded that constant and prolonged caffeine consumption helps the body with digestion and the prevention of cancer in the colon. What is interesting is that both decaf, as well as regular coffee has been proven to help prevent constipation.
So now we bet you are thinking of going to Starbucks for that new healthy drink called coffee. To bad Starbucks has not incorporated the health benefits of coffee into their advertising campaign! As coffee becomes ever more popular and health benefits of coffee become more available to the public one can't but wonder where this information will take the coffee industry. While I always thought coffee was a non-essential drink requiring an acquired taste, I now view coffee in a whole new light. I think I will go visit my local Starbucks later today and order myself a double espresso!
About the Author:
Dave Lashier is an expert on determining what the best espresso machine would be for you! Espresso is a coffee drink that needs to have only the best espresso machine available to make the best flavored drink. Come visit www.espressomachinereviews.biz to learn more!