Why Some Dine Exclusively On Vegetarian Food Recipes

By Lissette Vale

You can eat meat almost everywhere you go, today. There's an almost limitless variety of it in the supermarkets, it's served in almost every fast food restaurant around today, and it's even served in the most basic of school cafeterias. If you live in the "west", it is very hard to get away from meat, and if you're a vegetarian, many simply ask why you'd want to do such a thing. "Meat is such a tender delicacy that tastes delicious and that everyone eats, why on earth do some people choose to deny themselves it and eat only vegetarian food recipes?" they ask.

It turns out their reasons are many, but some of the common reasons I hear vegetarians giving for turning to vegetarian food recipes include the growing belief that the meat many of us are eating today is becoming more and more unhealthy; the scientific reports that are piling up, that tell us our "assembly line/mass production approach to the farming process these days is not doing anything good for our planet; and some people's increasing understanding that animals, like people, have feelings and a perceptual experience of their own, not too unlike our own, and that we need to take better care of them.

Now, about how the meat is becoming less healthy to consume these days, that mostly has to do with the hormones we've been injecting in our farm animals for the past few decades, to get them to render more food and bring a greater return on our farming investment. Some of those chemicals we inject into these animals make their way into our body, because we are eating those animals and, once we've ended their lives, processed them, and the bought them at the super market, we cook them and we consume that chemically-laden meat.

Along with this, the way we fence in the animals today on farms is more akin to a factory, where it's about efficiency and each animal has just a very small amount of space and no more land to roam around on, which results in them getting less physical exercise, which yields farm animals that are fatter and more unhealthy, which we are eating and is therefore less healthy for ourselves. Many people also are of the opinion that that heavily negative fear emotions these animals experience as they meet their end at our hands in some truly horrible ways today, that flow through their veins and into the tissue of their muscles in their dying moments, results in chemical toxins getting trapped in the meat we package from this process, that are harmful to eat. This is simply one more reason people are denying themselves meat today and only eating what they believe to be the healthier vegetarian recipes.

But there are heaps more reasons people are turning vegetarian and eating only food recipes for vegetarians today, and I will be covering some more of them in a future article, so be sure to check back if this interested you!

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