You must have heard that the Indians, Japanese and Chinese have a longer lifespan in comparison to other races. Do you know why? Well there may be a lot of possible reasons but according to scientific research, these three races enjoy longer life spans because of the fact that they consume a lot of tea. China, Japan and India are considered to be tea drinking nations across the world. Who would have thought that an accidental discovery made by a Chinese sage a long time ago would enjoy such popularity? Tea is highly beneficial for the drinker because it provides good effects on his/her body which is why people are eager to learn how to make iced tea. Because of the impressive healing powers of the tea, the practice of tea-drinking has spread worldwide and it has managed to sweep in a lot of fans.
Now, all varieties of tea aren't the same, i.e. oolong, white, black, Ginseng or herbal tea may not be the same when it comes to essence or strength, but they are all same in one aspect, i.e. all these varieties are equally beneficial for the drinker. The following are some of the benefits that one can enjoy through regular consumption of tea:
Now, all varieties of tea aren't the same, i.e. oolong, white, black, Ginseng or herbal tea may not be the same when it comes to essence or strength, but they are all same in one aspect, i.e. all these varieties are equally beneficial for the drinker. The following are some of the benefits that one can enjoy through regular consumption of tea:
Antioxidants are found in tea and can aid the body in different ways. It can help with the aging process by keeping the body from getting damaged as a result of some important physiological processes. It can help with reducing the cancer risk and even lower levels of cholesterol. There are a few teas that have more antioxidants as compared to others. The extra antioxidants can be found in freshly brewed tea, tea that is unfermented rooibos, green and white tea.
Bad cholesterol is something that is despised by everybody because these are responsible for creating clots which blocks one's arteries. An effective way to combat bad cholesterol and to keep one's arteries free from blockage is to drink black tea on a regular basis as also perfect the art of how to make iced tea. This way you will be able to reduce the risks of heart strokes, heart attacks and other dangerous heart diseases
It is said that drinking tea can help to reduce the chances of developing cancer. One can protect one's body from cancer caused by smoking with the help of tea consumption too. If you want to prevent occurrence of skin cancer then sip on a cup of freshly brewed hot tea daily or alternatively you can sip on white or black tea as per your preferences. Green tea is reputed to be extremely effective in combating different kinds of cancer such as abdominal cancer, colon cancer, prostrate cancer, esophageal cancer, etc.
A lot of us suffer from health problems like high blood pressure, hypertension or other common health maladies and our lifestyle is to be blamed. An effective solution for these health problems is to drink oolong or green tea on a regular basis and put into practice the knowledge of how to make iced tea. These two varieties of tea are extremely beneficial to one's health and you just have to try it to believe it.
Although high quality tea may be slightly more expensive but it is worth buying it because of the fact that it is provides other health benefits to our body. If you drink high quality tea then you will be able to strengthen your immune system by as much as five times. And you can also postpone the onset of Alzheimer's disease, not to mention fight AIDS and
Bad cholesterol is something that is despised by everybody because these are responsible for creating clots which blocks one's arteries. An effective way to combat bad cholesterol and to keep one's arteries free from blockage is to drink black tea on a regular basis as also perfect the art of how to make iced tea. This way you will be able to reduce the risks of heart strokes, heart attacks and other dangerous heart diseases
It is said that drinking tea can help to reduce the chances of developing cancer. One can protect one's body from cancer caused by smoking with the help of tea consumption too. If you want to prevent occurrence of skin cancer then sip on a cup of freshly brewed hot tea daily or alternatively you can sip on white or black tea as per your preferences. Green tea is reputed to be extremely effective in combating different kinds of cancer such as abdominal cancer, colon cancer, prostrate cancer, esophageal cancer, etc.
A lot of us suffer from health problems like high blood pressure, hypertension or other common health maladies and our lifestyle is to be blamed. An effective solution for these health problems is to drink oolong or green tea on a regular basis and put into practice the knowledge of how to make iced tea. These two varieties of tea are extremely beneficial to one's health and you just have to try it to believe it.
Although high quality tea may be slightly more expensive but it is worth buying it because of the fact that it is provides other health benefits to our body. If you drink high quality tea then you will be able to strengthen your immune system by as much as five times. And you can also postpone the onset of Alzheimer's disease, not to mention fight AIDS and
It is said that drinking tea can help to reduce the chances of developing cancer. One can protect one's body from cancer caused by smoking with the help of tea consumption too. If you want to prevent occurrence of skin cancer then sip on a cup of freshly brewed hot tea daily or alternatively you can sip on white or black tea as per your preferences. Green tea is reputed to be extremely effective in combating different kinds of cancer such as abdominal cancer, colon cancer, prostrate cancer, esophageal cancer, etc.
A lot of us suffer from health problems like high blood pressure, hypertension or other common health maladies and our lifestyle is to be blamed. An effective solution for these health problems is to drink oolong or green tea on a regular basis and put into practice the knowledge of how to make iced tea. These two varieties of tea are extremely beneficial to one's health and you just have to try it to believe it.
Although high quality tea may be slightly more expensive but it is worth buying it because of the fact that it is provides other health benefits to our body. If you drink high quality tea then you will be able to strengthen your immune system by as much as five times. And you can also postpone the onset of Alzheimer's disease, not to mention fight AIDS and provide your body with adequate hydration. Green tea also offers other benefits such as increasing one's metabolism rate, providing protection against bacterial infection, fighting against leukemia, diabetes (type 2), etc.
So why not select a tea as per your preference and treat your body as well as taste buds to a healthy drink everyday?
About the Author:
A lot of us suffer from health problems like high blood pressure, hypertension or other common health maladies and our lifestyle is to be blamed. An effective solution for these health problems is to drink oolong or green tea on a regular basis and put into practice the knowledge of how to make iced tea. These two varieties of tea are extremely beneficial to one's health and you just have to try it to believe it.
Although high quality tea may be slightly more expensive but it is worth buying it because of the fact that it is provides other health benefits to our body. If you drink high quality tea then you will be able to strengthen your immune system by as much as five times. And you can also postpone the onset of Alzheimer's disease, not to mention fight AIDS and provide your body with adequate hydration. Green tea also offers other benefits such as increasing one's metabolism rate, providing protection against bacterial infection, fighting against leukemia, diabetes (type 2), etc.
So why not select a tea as per your preference and treat your body as well as taste buds to a healthy drink everyday?
About the Author:
For more information about tea and making your own iced tea check out how to make iced tea. This article, The Many Benefits of Drinking Tea has free reprint rights.