Dark chocolate is a kind of cocoa that is created by mixing sugar and fat to cocoa. Not like milk cocoa, which is more common and more often utilized in store bough candy bars, there's very little to zero milk products included in the darker variety as well. In order for a cocoa to be able to be labeled as gourmet dark chocolate, it has to have a drastically larger amount of cocoa and fat.
Dark chocolate, thanks to its contents, has been proven scientifically to have numerous health benefits and is used often in baking because of them. Using chocolates high in cacao to bake cookies is a very easy way to utilize them.
First, cream butter, sugar, and vanilla together in a medium sized bowl. Be sure to use real butter because anything less wouldn't be true to the recipe's gourmet status. You may also want to consider adding in a little espresso, to enhance the cocoa's flavor, as well. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt.
Add both bowls' contents together and then mix in two eggs until there are no noticeable lumps. Once you have combined the ingredients thoroughly, you can then add the cocoa morsels in. Be sure and use pieces that are high in both cocoa and richness. Mix in about sixteen ounces of them, or a little more depending on how chocolaty you want the cookies to taste.
A gourmet goody tends to have an extra flavor added to it so you can consider adding one to your own cookies also. Walnuts, shredded coconut, and fresh cherries are satisfactory ideas that will also compliment the cocoa nicely.
First, cream butter, sugar, and vanilla together in a medium sized bowl. Be sure to use real butter because anything less wouldn't be true to the recipe's gourmet status. You may also want to consider adding in a little espresso, to enhance the cocoa's flavor, as well. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt.
Add both bowls' contents together and then mix in two eggs until there are no noticeable lumps. Once you have combined the ingredients thoroughly, you can then add the cocoa morsels in. Be sure and use pieces that are high in both cocoa and richness. Mix in about sixteen ounces of them, or a little more depending on how chocolaty you want the cookies to taste.
A gourmet goody tends to have an extra flavor added to it so you can consider adding one to your own cookies also. Walnuts, shredded coconut, and fresh cherries are satisfactory ideas that will also compliment the cocoa nicely.
Add both bowls' contents together and then mix in two eggs until there are no noticeable lumps. Once you have combined the ingredients thoroughly, you can then add the cocoa morsels in. Be sure and use pieces that are high in both cocoa and richness. Mix in about sixteen ounces of them, or a little more depending on how chocolaty you want the cookies to taste.
A gourmet goody tends to have an extra flavor added to it so you can consider adding one to your own cookies also. Walnuts, shredded coconut, and fresh cherries are satisfactory ideas that will also compliment the cocoa nicely.
Pick one and mix it into the batter with care. After the dough has been thoroughly stirred, start placing spoonfuls of it on an ungreased cookie sheet.
A gourmet goody tends to have an extra flavor added to it so you can consider adding one to your own cookies also. Walnuts, shredded coconut, and fresh cherries are satisfactory ideas that will also compliment the cocoa nicely.
Pick one and mix it into the batter with care. After the dough has been thoroughly stirred, start placing spoonfuls of it on an ungreased cookie sheet.