A fable tells a story about a herdsman in Ethiopia named Kaldi who discovered that his goats were extra restless after eating a berry plant. He drank the boiled extracts of the same berries and found out that it made him awake all night. That's just one of the legends about the discovery of coffee. But established records reveal that in the 15th century, coffee was initially served inside a monastery in Yemen. From the Arab countries, it propagated all over Europe in the 1600s.
At some point, coffee was cultivated in Latin America and the plantations supplied nearly half of the world's coffee in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, coffee is exported mostly from third world countries.Coffee has become one of the most favored drinks in the world, not just for its stimulating caffeine content but also for other benefits.
Coffee is believed to contain antioxidants that fight cancer and other diseases like Alzheimer's and diabetes. People who drink coffee have better brain functions at school or at work.. But a lot of people drink coffee not because of its beneficial effects but simply for its distinctly invigorating taste.In order to get a nice tasting coffee, you need to have freshly roasted beans which were ground on the same day and brewed with drinking water at the right temperature.
The texture of the ground coffee beans is also important as it affects the quality of the brew. For home-made espresso, a coffee burr grinder is just perfect to get the right fineness. The wheel and the conical grinders are the two varieties of burr coffee grinders.. The wheel grinder is faster but messier than the conical coffee burr grinder that spins slower and more accurate, but the pricier one.
The great deals that you can have for burr coffee grinders are priced from $100 to $600. That price range is just enough if you wanted an appliance to grind your coffee in the right quality. . The grinder that you want may also depend on the quantity of coffee you process at home.. You can find an array of grinders on online shops that can offer the kind you need that best suits your budget.
At some point, coffee was cultivated in Latin America and the plantations supplied nearly half of the world's coffee in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, coffee is exported mostly from third world countries.Coffee has become one of the most favored drinks in the world, not just for its stimulating caffeine content but also for other benefits.
Coffee is believed to contain antioxidants that fight cancer and other diseases like Alzheimer's and diabetes. People who drink coffee have better brain functions at school or at work.. But a lot of people drink coffee not because of its beneficial effects but simply for its distinctly invigorating taste.In order to get a nice tasting coffee, you need to have freshly roasted beans which were ground on the same day and brewed with drinking water at the right temperature.
The texture of the ground coffee beans is also important as it affects the quality of the brew. For home-made espresso, a coffee burr grinder is just perfect to get the right fineness. The wheel and the conical grinders are the two varieties of burr coffee grinders.. The wheel grinder is faster but messier than the conical coffee burr grinder that spins slower and more accurate, but the pricier one.
The great deals that you can have for burr coffee grinders are priced from $100 to $600. That price range is just enough if you wanted an appliance to grind your coffee in the right quality. . The grinder that you want may also depend on the quantity of coffee you process at home.. You can find an array of grinders on online shops that can offer the kind you need that best suits your budget.
About the Author:
Coffee is considered to be advantageous and it even tastes greater should you make it the proper way with burr coffee grinders before brewing. Grinding coffee beans to the right texture will make the difference. A coffee burr grinder might be just what you want for a great tasting home-made brew.