Mexican food lovers often remark that authentic Mexican recipes~authentic Mexican recipes like these quesadillas may actually be the most simple, easy Mexican appetizers recipe in the entire Latin cuisine. Quesadillas are a lot like the American classic: grilled cheese sandwiches-- only we're substituting corn tortillas in place of the bread, in order to bind our sandwich!
Easy Mexican Quesadillas recipe: A Delicious Snack!
Quesadillas can perhaps best be thought of as a Mexican snack, and even as a quick dinner if you're up for making a bunch of them, when you're feeling exhausted and you're not up for making anything long and involved. Let's go:
Cooking Time: about fifteen minutes
Ingredients you need (serves 4 guests):
-some kind of Mexican salsa, like salsa bandera, or a guacamole--something to give your quesadillas a bit more flavor -roughly 200g of manchego cheese -8 tortillas (corn, not flour)
How to make them:
Begin by heating a cast iron pan on the stove.
Take your cheese and cut it into 8 evenly sized pieces.
Prepare your fav. Mexican salsa (some good recommendations above, in the ingredients area).
Warm the tortillas in the pan one by one, and then add cheese to your tortilla while it's in the pan, fold it in half to create what is basically a half tortilla sandwich, and just allow it to heat up enough so that the manchego melts and you're left with a delicious quesadilla.
Remove from pan and finish by topping with your chosen salsa, and then enjoy your tasty creation: by far of the most easy Mexican recipes from the entire Mexican appetizers area of the Mexican cusisine.
Mexican quesadillas are amazingly easy to whip up and they're great for serving as a little snack when
Take your cheese and cut it into 8 evenly sized pieces.
Prepare your fav. Mexican salsa (some good recommendations above, in the ingredients area).
Warm the tortillas in the pan one by one, and then add cheese to your tortilla while it's in the pan, fold it in half to create what is basically a half tortilla sandwich, and just allow it to heat up enough so that the manchego melts and you're left with a delicious quesadilla.
Remove from pan and finish by topping with your chosen salsa, and then enjoy your tasty creation: by far of the most easy Mexican recipes from the entire Mexican appetizers area of the Mexican cusisine.
Mexican quesadillas are amazingly easy to whip up and they're great for serving as a little snack when you need to whip something up fast, perfect for feeding to your friends who just happen to pop in when you're short on time or for making for little kids as a little three o'clock snack if they're into Mexican food and would like authentic Mexican recipe appetizers. So until we cross paths again, keep playing with your food, experimenting with new Mexican food ideas, and I hope you enjoy these Mexican appetizer quesadillas!
About the Author:
Prepare your fav. Mexican salsa (some good recommendations above, in the ingredients area).
Warm the tortillas in the pan one by one, and then add cheese to your tortilla while it's in the pan, fold it in half to create what is basically a half tortilla sandwich, and just allow it to heat up enough so that the manchego melts and you're left with a delicious quesadilla.
Remove from pan and finish by topping with your chosen salsa, and then enjoy your tasty creation: by far of the most easy Mexican recipes from the entire Mexican appetizers area of the Mexican cusisine.
Mexican quesadillas are amazingly easy to whip up and they're great for serving as a little snack when you need to whip something up fast, perfect for feeding to your friends who just happen to pop in when you're short on time or for making for little kids as a little three o'clock snack if they're into Mexican food and would like authentic Mexican recipe appetizers. So until we cross paths again, keep playing with your food, experimenting with new Mexican food ideas, and I hope you enjoy these Mexican appetizer quesadillas!
About the Author:
Carlos L resides in Mexico and loves exploring authentic Mexican food. If you do too, check out the authentic Mexican recipes Facebook page!